Preaching, Teaching, Conferences & Workshops

I love the camaraderie, the laughing, the fellowship of others who know the unique demands and privileges we shepherds share. I’ve spoken to lots of different groups but I connect best with pastors and ministry students. They’re my kind of people.
I speak on a lot of different pastoral topics—like the care of souls, the church as home, the pastoral long haul, and preaching with imagination. I also enjoy new assignments. Seminars and workshops are one thing and preaching is another. I welcome the opportunity to preach to ministry colleagues from Scripture. Some texts I have used are:
- Acts 18:1-17 – A Rough Business
- Luke 10:38-42 – When Not to Serve Jesus
- 1 Peter 5:1-4 – Good Shepherds
- Psalm 16 – Medicine for the Pastoral Shakes
- Genesis 32:22-32 – The Uneasy Blessing of the God Who Won’t Let Go
- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 – The Trumpet Call of God
Many of my sermons are available to subscribers of PreachingToday.com

Past Engagements
- A variety of workshops and chapel addresses at Trinity Int’l University and Trinity Evan. Divinity School
- Main speaker at several Evangelical Free Church District Conferences
- Seminars and Plenary Session for the Rural Home Missionary Assn. Conferences
- Co-teacher for DMin course at Denver Seminary on pastoral care
- Guest lecturer for DMin course at Dallas Theological Seminary in a course for small town and rural pastors
- Seminars at the Moody Pastors’ Conferences
- Cornerstone University Chapel and seminary class
- Moody Bible Institute Chapel
- Denver Seminary Faculty Retreat
- Pastors’ Conferences with Refresh Ministries, Alberta, Canada
- Pastors and Wives retreats
- Pulpit supply in various churches in northern Illinois and beyond

Would you like me to speak to your church or group?
Let’s talk.