
I’ve written about 50 articles for Preaching Today, Leadership Journal, and CT Pastors. Below are a few of my favorites. If you’d like to browse all my articles at their website, click the button below.

Rich Pastors

It’s easy to forget how deeply significant it is for us to simply be “examples to the flock.” We may think that leadership is mostly ...
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‘Be Shepherds of God’s Flock’

When people are hurting, wayward, or hungry, we may well feel inadequate. But what they most need from us, and what Jesus has equipped us ...
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What’s Become of Them?

We do most of our ministry on this bright side of salvation. The Holy Spirit enlists us to feed, lead, and guard those whom he ...
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Persuading the Poor

In league with the Spirit, pastor-proclaimers initiate and accompany paupers into this counterintuitive economy of God’s kingdom.
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

When the Spirit was upon Jesus the effect was astonishing authority. The same kind of authority that banished demons was present when he proclaimed good ...
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Falling Off a Log

Trying to keep up with the Parsons invariably pits us against someone else’s gifts or efforts. Such mimicry doesn’t bear fruit. Remember how Pharaoh’s sorcerers ...
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